Specialty Product Manufacturers' Storage Solutions for Seasonal Production Runs

In the specialty products marketplace, seasonal sales demands are a driving force in the production schedule. A manufacturer of collectible toys, for example, may only gear up to produce fluffy stuffed bunnies in January to ship out for Easter retail sales. January is the only time the bunny patterns, sewing jigs, accessories, and materials will be used—until next year when the production cycle is repeated. Setting up and breaking down the production line for this annual process could easily cause chaos and costly downtime.

Two Tips for Reducing Relocation Stress Syndrome in Vulnerable Elders

Moving can be stressful for mentally and physically healthy people, but it can be downright traumatic for older adults who have dementia, Alzheimer's, or other degenerative brain diseases that impair cognition. If a move involving loved ones in this category is not handled correctly, they can come down with relocation stress syndrome. Here's more information about this condition and what you can do to prevent it. Relocation Stress Syndrome Also sometimes referred to as transfer trauma, relocation stress syndrome is a cluster of symptoms vulnerable elders begin to display after being moved from one living space to another.